Monday, September 30, 2013

Zombie Events

It is starting to become that time of year where many towns across America are hosting zombie events. With the new season of the Walking Dead about to start you can count on there being a lot more.  I have yet to go to one but the more I read about them the more interesting they sound.

The main event for many of these is usually a zombie run where individuals run from zombie actors.  They run a certain amount of miles and through some obstacles.  While they are running they are trying to stay ahead of the horde that is steadily gaining on them from behind.

Many of the people that go to these events dress up as zombies themselves.  The event usually ends with some kind of contest with a judging of who had the best costume.

What do you guys think about these events?  Do you go or not?


  1. I've never been to one, but I have heard of them. Do you know if they have one in SC?

    1. I found one in Anderson at Sadlers Creek State Park. It starts on the 27th.
