Wednesday, November 13, 2013

The Other Dead Takes a Unique View on the Zombie Apocylypse

The Other Dead is a comic released by IDW which takes the zombie apocalypse in a more unique direction.  Instead of the humans being infected and becoming zombies it is the animals who are becoming infected.  The comic follows a group of survivors, who are joined by none other than President Obama, as they try to make it in the animal zombie infested world.  This is a five issue series which already has a sequel in the works.

This is a premise that I have never really heard of before.  It sounds like it would be pretty interesting to read as it steers away from traditional zombie lore.  If you have the ability to check this comic out then I suggest you give it a chance. I would suggest that you look to Comixology if you do not want a physical copy. I may even start to read it and put up reviews of the different issues.

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